5 Amazing Domain Name Suggestion Tools – Get Domain in a Second

What do you think Domain name play great role in success of any website?

I don’t know what’s your opinion but I am surely in fever to choose a great domain name.

But I saw many people have decided niche on which they want to blog but struggle while in choosing correct domain name.


Did you face any such issue?

Actually I was not getting good work for my first online web work and choose any random word without giving much time.. But It was my wrong decision.

You should give enough time in choosing better domain and then work on remaining task of your website.

Let’s see what Domain name can help us if we give it our more valuable time..

  • Your Online identity- If you choose domain name with care then it also care your name & Show the world who you are but if you choose awkward domain name and it may  affect your identity negative.
  • Make Brand more memorable- If you are choosing a good domain name like with your name “narendramodi.in” then people remember you more with your website.
  • Some time you even get introduce with website like “Hey !! this is founder of so and so website” . So make sure to choose better & best suitable domain name.
  • A way to find you  – Now a days people try find everything on internet even it is near by you. Even when I need something like music classes then I Google them  and try to locate near by me..

But suppose your domain name not relevant and it’s like Learnthings.com then user may neglect this site and move to other sites.

If you have already decided niche for your blog and also have keyword related to niche on which you want to write blog then  here I am providing you list of few best tools which use your given tool and suggest you new domain names.

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But before I start with  handy list of sites  for domain suggestion first let’s know few tips to select a good domain name.

1. Easy to type 

Find a domain which any one can easily type and share with other by vocal.

Suppose your domain name is  Worktohome.com then it’s easy to type  but instead of this domain name you choose Work2home.com or worktwohome.com then it’s hard for people to type while someone pronounce this site. You need to explain each time it’s ‘2’ not ‘to’.

2. Keyword with name

Domain name should contain your niche keyword so it help you in SEO and Google also give more value to such keyword.

Suppose your agency working for SEO then you can choose SEOAgency.com or AgencyforSEO.com something.It helps improve your rank on search engines.

3. Keep it short  

Here also rule of Kiss follow. Don’t take it otherwise  Here kiss means “keep it short and sweet”.
Choose your domain name in just one word so it is easy for every user to  type and remember.

If you are choosing long and complex domain name then it may be chance that use put wrong spelling or forget your domain name.

For example if your domain name is SEOAgency.com then it is easy to remember but instead of this name if you choose CheapSEOAgencyinmumbai.com then obvious it is hard to remember for any user.

5. Domain name extension 

As a new blogger if you are searching for domain and have confusion about which domain extension should you choose then first I suggest to check what your website all about .

If your website is for any organization like school, social activity or something related then you should choose .org extension.

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If your website focus on particular country then its better to choose country specific extension. Like if your website related to india then choose .in similarly for other country like .au, .uk, .pk.

6. As per target area

you can choose your domain if your target is only particular city. Like suppose your are SEO agency in Newyork then in this situation you can choose newyorkseoagency.com.

7. Avoid hyphen in the domain

It’s better to use domain name without hyphen.  It not only hard to remember but also not help at all in any SEO benefit.

I recommend to choose domain name with something  different then your niche so when it get rank then people remember your website as if you choose any keyword in domain name then you find many website similar to this..

Even many people choose domain name with their own name so they become brand with domain value grow.

Hope you are much aware about tips of choosing domain so now I should move to domain name suggestion tools so you can choose better domain name easily..

Suppose you are starting any new blog on travelling then you can use few words related to Traveling like travelers, travelling and travel then check those words in below tools.

Domain name suggestion tool

1. Namemesh

One of the most popular domain name suggestion tool now a days And give suggest you domain name common, short , new , similar and even SEO profitable.

You can set maximum length and extension of domain also while searching any domain.
If you have more than one word and you use space between them then you will get more improved result in suggestion.

Best part of this tool is that when you click on any domain name then it show you availability of domain name.


Namemesh Tool

2. Lean domain search

One of my favourite tools for searching new domain name for my websites. Like above site this does not give any option to limit number of words in a domain name but you can sort results using their popularity, Length and alphabetically.

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Best thing about Leandomainsearch is that it suggest you thousands of new domain name with .com extension only and when you click on any domain name then you will get information about their availability.

You can search domain name which start or end  with your provided keyword by just one click and also check popularity index of your keyword topic on internet automatically.


lean domain searchTool

3. Instant Domain Search

This tool is more helpful if you have decided few keywords or I can say a domain name in your mind then this tool let you know if it is already taken or not.

And if your domain name already taken then it also provides you link of whois so you can check if you will get in some price.

It also suggest you alternative domain of your searched one and if it’s premium then you can purchase by direct click on their link.


instant domain search Tool

4. Panabee

This tool suggest you all possible domain name using your keyword and also with graphics let you know whether it is available or not.

You can change extension of domain from list and get all suggestion on selected extension only.

If your favourite domain name is already taken then you can click on name and redirect to Godaddy where you can explore other available similar domain.


Panabee Tool

5. Domainsbot

Domainsbot Is easy domain suggestion tool as well as domain search tool.

Just put your keyword and you will get many domain  idea related to your keyword. You can even choose particular extension or language and then modify your search result.

If  this tool not get many option for your keyword then it also use synonyms of your keyword and suggest domain  name.

You can also check price of different domain name provider by just click on domain name.


Domainsbot Tool

Hope you like this post and use domain name generators handy list to get some suggestion in your niche.

Any good tool missed out? Leave name in a comment.