Can’t Comment On Youtube? No Worries We Have The Solutions

As we all know YouTube is highly used app after GOOGLE. It is the second most visited website in the world. YouTube is an online video platform owned by Google.

 Through the YouTube, we have the power to connect with a large and diverse audience. Users can watch, like, share, comment, and upload their own videos.

Can’t Comment On Youtube

Billions of people are using YouTube. YouTube is an entertaining, knowledgeable source.

 So there are ample of people who are facing the problem of disappearing of comments or not loading of it.

But don’t worry mate, here we have solutions which will help you to solve all your doubts and problems regarding the not loading of comments. There are plenty of solutions which are also shared by many YouTubers and Google. In this article, we are going to discuss how to solve this problem.

Few tips to fix the problem.

  • Reload the YouTube page.
  • Check whether the comment section is enabled.
  • Rewrite your comment.
  • Sort the comments section from top comments to newest first and vice versa.

Still facing challenges to comment on YouTube? Don’t worry mate, I have more solutions why to worry.

This issue might have happened because of several other reasons. So firstly we have to identify where the problem persists and we can find our solution. So here is the list of some FAQs with the solutions.

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1. Have You Signed In Yet?

Sometimes people might haven’t been logged in YouTube. So it’s a kind of rule that without logging you can’t like, comment, and subscribe. So firstly you have to log in. So if you haven’t log in so for what are you waiting for, go give a shot in logging and then your problem of commenting may be solved.

If you are using YouTube on your browser so click on the “SIGN IN “button on the top of the menu bar. If you are using it on Android or iOS App then go to YouTube app and there you’ll find an option of sign in.

2. Replace Your Browser

If you’re still facing problem of commenting, try clearing the browser cache and cookies.

Or try on different browser.

3. Eliminate Unnecessary Extensions of Browser

What are browser extensions? A browser extension is a small software module for customizing a web browser. Browser extensions can control your browsing behaviour like VPN extensions, etc. They can control the website you’re visiting.

So your YouTube comments are not appearing because of some broken codes or bugs in the extensions.

You can also use Incognito mode if you don’t know how to fix extensions or it is not happening. So how to use Incognito mode?

“CTRL + Shift + N” on Windows and “Command + Shift + N” on your keyboard.

This will help you to open Incognito window.

4. Clear Your Browse History and Cache

Try the above solutions and if still you’re not able to comment on YouTube, so give a shot to this solution, clear your browse history and hoarding.

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Hoarding files include the mass storage of digital artefacts and the retention of unnecessary data. Data such as Logo, CSS, or JavaScript. Sometimes this file get hacked or include bugs in it. And sometimes this head on to websites misbehaving and creating a fault in our browser. So to solve this problem, firstly we have to clear our hoardings.

Here are steps to clear cache, history, and unwanted data:

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click more.
  3. Click more tools. Clear browsing data.
  4. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select all time.
  5. Next to “cookies and other site data” and “cached images and files”, check the boxes.
  6. Click clear data.

Still facing problem? Huh! Mate, we will go for another last but not least solution.

5. YouTube Website Problem

So if you still facing problem of commenting after trying all the above solutions so at last there’ll be problem from YouTube side. But don’t worry mate, it will be solved ASAP. But you should once again login from start and see if your issue of commenting is resolved or not.

 If not, register your problem in Send feedback.

There could be another possible reason you cannot comment on a YouTube video and that is the video creator has turned off the comments feature for one or more of their videos. If the video has any controversial content, the video creator may block comments to prevent any unwanted messages or spam.


If any of the above reasons didn’t work, there may be a possibility of a bug in your app or website itself. It’s tough to determine the problem.