6 Unique Competitor Analysis Tools to Know Their Strategies

Now a day many people try to make space in the online market & want to lead from their competitor.

Whether you are a blogger or online trader, you must wanted to know what strategy they are using to get more success online and what I am lacking.

So What do you think,is it possible to know competitor online strategy?

You might think of not possible but by knowing few sites you will be damn sure to easily find any competitor strategy.

Here we are providing you few online sites which analyze your competitor and give you much information related to them.

Competitor analysis tools

1. Waybackmachine –  To know  changes since your competitor website born

Waybackmachine is a digital archive tool run by a non-profit organization &  you can use this tool without paying a single penny.

The service enables users to see archived versions of any web pages across time. And the main vision of the machine’s creators is to archive the entire Internet  So you can see what all strategy follow by your competitor and what all changes they have made in blogging or websites.

Let’s say we take an example of WordPress.org and see how their journey was.

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So if you move your mouse on any of the above spots then you can see how wordpress.org look like on that period. From above image we can see wordpress.org started in 2003 and if we click on year the 2003 then we can how it was looked like when started. See below.


Yes… So by this way you can check when and what changes your competitor made and implement in the same way to get success.


2. BuzzSumo  – Analyze  Their Most Shared Content

You can research and analyze what type of your competitor post shared most on social media & which social media platform perform best for them.

You just need to put your competitor name in search box and check what type of post is most shared and which social media they are using most.

Like suppose I am putting site shoutmeloud.com and check how it’s posts performance on social media.

You can use this tool for 14 days free trial and this period is enough to understand the strategy of your competitor.

[button link=”http://buzzsumo.com/” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-eye”]Check buzzsumo[/button]

3. Ahref – Competitor research tool

Ahref helps you in many ways to know why your competitors are ranking high and you not.

This tool is most known to get backlinking of any other website and if you know from where all places they are getting backlinks then you can also approach similar way to get backlinks.

This tool surely help you in improving your marketing and SEO. Most of the famous blogger and SEO expert use this tool to improve their ranking.

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[button link=”https://ahrefs.com/” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-eye”]Check ahrefs[/button]

4.  Similar web – Monitor and Win Your Market

By using similar web you can compare your site with your competitor and know where all he is better then you like total visit, bounce rate average sessions, traffic source and then decide your strategy to go ahead.

You can also check niche and country ranking of any site easily. Most of information accessible in free of cost and if you want to go for more analysis then you can purchase their premium package.

[button link=”https://www.similarweb.com/” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-eye”]Check similarweb[/button]

 5. Google alert – Stay Alert for New Content

Google alert is a notification service, send emails to the user when it finds new results related to given keyword.

So it is free ways to monitor the competition and stay update for particular keywords. Google alert update you who all making changes related to your keyword.

Once you get update with new things then you would be stay ahead writing about that topic.

6. Spyfu – know Competitors’ search marketing secret formula

Spyfu is a online tool which help you in downloading your competitors most profitable keyword and ads for paid as well as organic search.

You can check from which keyword your competitor is earning, how many paid ads they have, how their SEO keyword working.

Everything show here with graph and analyse between you and your competitor like see below.

Hope you like this post and now easily find strategy of your competitors, we will update this post on regular basic  so please keep visiting. Please also share us tool which you use to know your competitors.