81 amazing YouTube video ideas you can try right now

Are you looking for new YouTube video ideas to help viewers entertain and return?

I should ask differently, Have you ever thought about starting on YouTube and you’re not sure about the best choice for your preferred YouTube videos?

I divided all the ideas into sections so that you can go directly to the type of video you are interested in. 

However, I recommend that you review the entire list. You may find ideas that are more popular in some locations, but they may inspire you to adjust them to your videos in a unique way.

Make sure to choose idea which you actually like so you can continue upload video and start earn money online without investment

If you are very serious about Earning thorough YouTube then you can check our detail post on things that help in growing YouTube channel.

Our top picks- YouTube video ideas 

We will provide different niche and type of YouTube video ideas. So you can check what niche you like and read more insight about the same niche.

Tech YouTube Video Ideas

Now that all the innovations are happening, it’s no wonder why the tech YouTube channel is so popular. From real technology enthusiasts to amateurs to keep up with the world’s development direction, people want to know the path of technology development. If you are one of the tech addicts, you can find a video tip for your YouTube channel below.

Check the product Or Tech product review

Device reviews are a hot topic. Especially if these devices are new to the market, you can check your laptop, PC or phone first.

The main benefit of product reviews is the chance of getting the new product free before launch. 

If you are Indian, then you would know Gaurav Chaudhari well. He is running Technical Guruji youtube channel and having 15.9 Million Subscriber.

Teaching newbies

There are a lot of people who don’t know much about computers & technology, but they want to know more. Look for an engaging way to create a beginner-friendly video about technology concepts like how internet work or mobile work. 

See below YouTube video screenshot. This video has 3M+ views. This channel also has a 3.3 Million Subscriber.

Computer tips and tricks

They can be as basic as MAC/Windows keyboard shortcuts, or you can drill down and discuss applications that maximize productivity when working on the desktop. 

You can see subscriber of this Youtube channel. It’s only for the computer and mobile tips. Many people search for tips on youtube, so if you give how-to videos, then it will be the best Youtube video idea for you.


Programming and applications 

Do I need to say how many people like to learn new apps and make their lives easier? Or about exciting programs?

Nowadays IT world is booming with breakneck speed and more people moving toward programming. So if you are good at programming, then this YouTube idea will be best for you. 

You can see mosh Hamedani youtube channel “Programming with Mosh” have more than 1 million subscribers. He is also a top seller on Udemy

Technical News

In the tech world, there is always innovation. Keep up to date with news and share your thoughts. You can share day to day changes in technology and what are trending one.

You can see this Youtube channel. They have used Hindi as a language for sharing information. So you can choose any language to share your information.

Science Project

Do you like to play with different substances and do amazing projects? Why not make some science-based series on your YouTube channel? You can create projects that adults can try and have fun, or you can target kids and create educational videos for them.

Trivia issues

You can find a lot of facts and discuss them in more depth. They can be fun, scary, or exciting. There are a lot of great YouTube video ideas that you can get from the Trivia question. For example, You can take a topic like Bermuda Triangle Mysteries or “Devil’s Sea” of Japan.

Talk about computer specification & Uses

Technology enthusiasts are interested in finding other gear specifications. Show the performance of your computer in different applications and games. Share steps to use any software and services.

Game Review

People are looking for reviews before buying something, and so is the game. Teach the audience about the features, strengths and weaknesses of the game.

Game Reaction Video

You are already familiar with PewDiePie. He is the one who makes the game so popular. Since many people follow the path of PewDiePie, the competition is fierce, but if you find the real voice, you can give it a try.

See also  Top 10 YouTube Video Ideas to Make Money Online

Game News

Talk about new changes in the game field. When is there a future version? What happened next?

Unpacking products

Order something online and shoot your work. Then, you share your thoughts on the product. People love these great YouTube video ideas, and you can also use the affiliate links of the product to get a chance to make money on YouTube.

Live Game streaming

This YouTube idea is in very high demand nowadays. A gamer who are perfect on any game and mainly PubG then they can do live streaming and earn a considerable amount. This thing not only gives them money but name as well in the Gaming world.

Other tech related few best  Youtube video ideas

  • Talk about the best games one should play
  • Performance Overview of Game and software
  • Your Favorite gadget
  • The latest hardware / processor / graphics
  • Predicting the tech future
  • How-to installation
  • Computer and online security tips
  • Time-lapse video
  • Camera tips in buying & capturing
  • Startup Gyan 

Educate YouTube users

Career video

Talk about how you started your career. Give some advice and teach other skills related to your career.

You can tell them what you can do after schooling or after pursuing this and that skill. Many people not aware of what after doing this or what to do next.

Teach any subject ( Science, Mathematics, English)

If you are passionate about teaching, then you can talk about different scientific concepts (such as how electric cars work), math tutorial (precisely target high school students) Or English for many non-native English speakers who want to improve their skills.

You can see here how this person shows the science concept and have 5.4M views.

If you can provide great tips and educate people on different aspects, then you will not only get success as YouTuber but also famous among people.

Book review

If you read a lot, this is your chance to talk to other book lovers about your passion. So this type of Youtube video ideas not only full fill your interest in reading books but your pocket as well.

Similar to the book review you can also do other reviews like

  • TV series reviews
  • Music Review

Sharing recipes

Cooking recipes are always searched. Although the cooking environment is too saturated, if you come up with a unique dish, just like a secret family recipe, you can stand out from the crowd.

Principles of life or Spiritual guide

Everyone lives under the guidance of their beliefs. Talk about what drives you. You can share philosophical and spiritual information as well.

Interview of any celebrity or educational expert

Feel free to ask people on the street about their life stories. Some people have such amazing stories that can be said to be very instructive to the audience.

Few other educational YouTube video ideas

  • Educate people about Animal

Show your creativity

If you watch YouTube video or use Facebook, then you undoubtedly aware about 5 Min Craft. What do they do? They just show creativity in crafting and do you know how many subscribers they have? see below 😮

DIY furniture

If you like to build something around the house, build it on the camera. You can make a project from scratch or show the finishing techniques of old furniture.

What DIY reuses

There are many awesome things you can do from changing items to the item. Furniture on the tray, armchairs for the tires, clocks on the silverware. If you’re creative and love making things, this creative YouTube video idea will make you stand out.

DIY gift

Making your gifts is usually cheaper, and if your budget is high, DIY is a more personal gift. If you have craftsmanship, these DIY YouTube video ideas can be hit hard.

Funny YouTube video ideas

One of the main reasons people spend time on YouTube is to have fun and laugh. To focus on fun videos, you need to be creative. The craziest idea, the better. Here are the most enjoyable YouTube video ideas you can try on the YouTube channel.

Prank video

Shoot your prank for your roommate or colleague. Many people just search youtube for prank video only and chance to watch prank video is more and more.

You can see this video. Its viewed 17 M time. So now you understand the power of pranks.


Imitation is often used for music videos. If this song is viral, then your video can get some sweet traffic. But you can think more creatively and choose other types of videos to make fun of. Make sure you don’t affect the people in the video (and prepare for negative comments).

Failed video

For an excellent failure video, you need a lot of shots. If you use to make a lot of pranks, you will know that some of them will eventually fail. If you manage to get the camera to malfunction, you’ll be ready to create an exciting video.


Remember the virus challenged by the ice bucket? Still a cinnamon challenge? There is always a new trend. Or you can even come up with an exciting challenge and let people join.

Comedy short film

One of the main reasons people spend so much time on YouTube is because they are watching exciting videos. With a little creativity and a lot of fun, your videos are not hard to pop

Other funny YouTube video ideas

  • Share joke
  • Stand up Comedy

Daily life hacking 

Daily life skills

You can teach people how to do something around the house they might need. How to replace the oil in the car, how to clean the heater, how to repair the broken cable.

Style advice

If you are interested in fashion, you can introduce best practices to people. You can now talk about what is hot, which will bring seasonal interest. Or you can focus on the general style guide for evergreen content.

Personal advice

You must have experienced different life experiences, made mistakes, and learned how to deal with them. You can share your knowledge and help others.

How to deal with breakups. How to overcome burnout. If you have experienced something, share your experience.

Psychological traits

If you are familiar with specific psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, terrorist attacks or panic attacks that you have experienced personally, you can share valuable information with others.

Either talk about how to deal with existing problems or teach others how to take care of those who struggle to solve problems.

Entertainment related video

Movie Review

You can talk about your favourite movie. How are they made, stories, what you learned from them? Who did the best acting and who are the worst one? What went wrong. Many more point you can add.

Other entertainment YouTube video ideas

  • Actor and actress Bio
  • Actors Lifestyle
  • Live Music event
  • Celebrity Gossip 

Share Financial information

How to save money

If you are good at saving or investing, I am sure people will be happy to receive sound advice from you. Everyone is looking for ways to save money. In today’s society, what you are bombed to buy, saving money is a real struggle.

How to earn money

Nowadays most of the people searching how to make online, So you can share how without getting into scam one can receive. You can share freelance or another type of jobs available online.

Provide Share market analysis and tips

Nowadays, many share market advisor joining the YouTube platform to reach out more and more people who are searching for tips and tricks. So you can share technical or fundamental analysis and when or how share should be buying.

Business growth

Are you running your own business at home? People will appreciate videos that teach them how to start a home business. You can provide a lot of advice based on the mindset you need, substantial investment or planning tasks.

Personal growth video idea

Inspirational video

If you have the skills of a speaker, you can make your script after motivating your speech. Or find the shots from other speakers or movies and put together the best scenes you find to make the video.

Health & beauty video ideas

Although the health and fitness fields are competitive, many people are looking for ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you have the skills to spend a whole day in front of the computer screen, don’t quit sharing.

Yoga steps and tips

If you some knowledge about Yoga and how to perform Yoga perfectly then, please do start creating from today. As there are very less channel, who share information correctly. 

Fitness at home

Nowadays the gym is not only a fitness centre but also a fashion. So price to join a gym is much costly and that brings an idea of workout at home. If you are also doing, then share each fitness exercise with YouTube viewer. So they will also get some idea.

Beauty and skin care tips

One of the perfect YouTube channel for people who want to look beautiful. You just need to do some experiment with your self and then share on YouTube. 

Show your beauty products

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What cosmetics do you use? How is body care? How do you keep their organization? If your audience appreciates your beauty skills, they will want to know how you can keep up with it.

Natural remedies

There are many remedies for various diseases, and people are looking for answers. Make videos about how to make homemade treatments and how to use more natural options.

You can also choose from below health youtube video ideas

  • Stress relief tips 
  • Ayurveda tips
  • Diet and nutrition tips
  • Sports news
  • Sports player and actors healthy information
  • Makeup Ideas
  • Fitness myth

Fashion Youtube video ideas

Favorite clothing

You must have some clothes; you will not give up the price of your life. Let your followers know which items are the most precious to you.

Talk about your style

What makes you wear your way? What motivates you? If you have confidence in your style and have a purpose behind it, then your followers will appreciate giving them more insights.

Here’s an example of Emily Lee talking about her style journey in time. Her followers were very excited to hear more about her style.

Talk about choosing colors, patterns and shapes

This applies to fashion and beauty. You can tell me how to select the colour and shape of your clothes based on your size, or you can view the makeup rules for different types of faces.

DIY clothing

If you like to tailor, paint and adjust your clothes, this is one of the best YouTube video fashion ideas. Technology How your followers save old clothes instead of throwing them all away.

Styles for different occasions

How to wear a wedding? How about going out at the bar? Give your followers an idea. You can make a series. Reward points if your unique style is perceived in thought.

Show your wardrobe

When people pay attention to people related to fashion, they are curious about seeing things hidden in the closet. Your audience will be happy to learn more about you.

Tips for dressing up

The scarf is used as a skirt. How to turn your shirt into a piece of clothing. Know some great tips and improvisations? Share them.

Travel video ideas

If you are love to travel then through YouTube videos, you can encourage everyone to go out. Share your experience and best place that someone should visit. 

You can take the example of TFIL group, They just do travelling and now a 10x Guinness World Record title holding channel. They have also helped raised over $325,000 for various charities.

So its kind of Travelling + Enjoying + charity + earning = Life set

You can see Louis Cole video channel. He use to make a Daily Vlog of his life and share on YouTube. 

Come up with  your travel Story 

If you have visited any place, then you can share how you have travelled and what was your experience either bad or good. So people who are love to or willing to travel start following you… Even you can earn the right amount while travelling.

Travel advice or tips 

You can share some suggestions for your last visit like the example I have travelled Bhutan a few months back. So I can share what document you should carry, How much expense will be and what things you can buy from there.

Talk about the place of travel

Your audience will enjoy the journey. If you travel, it’s time to take your camera and record your experience.

Urban activities

If you live in a city, there must be something great to see. Maybe there are quaint street shows that you can show off, or some fun activities happen in your town.

How to pack when traveling

During the trip, it is difficult for some of us to put all our clothes and products in a suitcase. If you are good at organizing, share your secrets with us.

Few more travelling ideas

  • Gears of Travelling 

Every day updates

Latest news

Not a common breaking news thing. Instead, you can find news that you can discuss excitingly by citing science. The downside is that most of this content will not be evergreen.

If you’re a fan of a TV series, you can start making a commentary about them and your personal opinions.

Other YouTube video ideas

Comparison  product 

You can show a compare of 2 product and which one is best. You can share positive as well as negative information about any product.

in conclusion

I hope this list will give you enough YouTube video ideas to keep you busy.

When you choose what kind of video to make for your channel, first ask yourself if it matches what the viewer wants to see. Don’t just pick something, because if it doesn’t fit the channel’s purpose, it’s popular because you want to develop a sustainable YouTube channel with focused content.