How to Get More YouTube Subscribers?

YouTube subscribers are the key to succeeding as a video blogger in long term. Without subscribers, a couple of your videos may get viral but if you are looking for a stable number of views for your each video then you will need a loyal subscriber base.

However, convincing a visitor to subscribe to your channel is not an easy job. I have seen lots of people who get a large number of views in some of their videos but fail to create a subscriber base and eventually quit Video Blogging.


That’s why today we have brought you a list of methods to get more YouTube subscriber. The best thing about this list is all the mentioned techniques do not require any money, means using these tricks you can get a large number of free YouTube subscribers:

How to get more YouTube subscribers?

Getting views on your YouTube videos and converting those views in subscribers are two different things. From providing the right content to reminding the user to subscribe, there are lots of things you need to do in order to get YouTube subscribers.Please also check out How to get more views on YouTube.

Out list below will help you in getting more YouTube subscribers but keep in mind that you should use these techniques wisely and not overdo anything otherwise you may create a negative expression and lose your valuable subscribers. Wasting no more time, let’s start our list of free ways to get YouTube subscribers:

1. Create Great Content

In blogging, they say that Content is the King and we find the same applicable for Vlogging as well. Whether your channel is about Music, Education or anything else, there is no substitute for great and original content.

People will only subscribe to your channel if they will find your content interesting enough and feel the need of seeing more from you. So whenever you are making a new video, keep the watchers perspective on your mind.

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You should try to add as much original and top notch content as possible while keeping in mind that it should also interest the user.With content please also make sure that your youtube channel name also very interesting as good name learn to great fame, you can check Ideas to get Good YouTube Channel Names.

If you are working in a competitive niche or your niche does not allow you to put together enough original content, then you can add small information marks with each video.

For example, if you are in music niche and you teach people how to play different songs on guitar, then you can collect some interesting facts about the song or its singer and add it in your video making it more informative and interesting for the viewer. If you have blog then you can also get free traffic from Youtube channel easily.

Although keep in mind that the extra information should not overshadow the main subject and should be highly relevant to the topic of your video.

2. Create a channel trailer

Channel trailers are a great feature offered by YouTube. With the right channel trailer, you can easily increase the number of people who subscribe to your channel once they land on your home page.Before create a channel trailer if you are not aware about create channel then please read How to create YouTube channel .

A channel trailer is actually a short video that plays automatically when someone lands on your channel’s homepage giving an overview of your channel and its content.


Normally when direct a user to your homepage using social media posts or any other way, they try to decide whether your channel is worthy enough to be subscribed or not by watching a couple of videos.

It’s mostly a hit or miss situation because they can watch any video and if it turns out to be one of your less liked products then you lose valuable subscribers.

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A channel trailer solves this problem since you can show a user a complete overview of your channel and its base subject as you like. You can learn more about channel trailers here- Creatoracademy

3. Remind people to subscribe

Whether you believe it or not, 50% of the people do not subscribe to your channel even if they liked your video because they simply forget it.

 It may sound silly but do you yourself remember when the last time you actually subscribed to a channel after watching a single video from it? most of the people won’t.

That’s why if do not remind people to subscribe to your channel during your video then you are missing a large number of free YouTube subscribers.


A good way to remind people is adding a small animation at the end or start of each video posted by you to remind people that they can enjoy more videos similar to what they just watched by subscribing to your channel.

Another great way to remind people to subscribe to your channel is using annotations. Annotations are the texts or animations that appear anywhere on the screen during the video as set by the uploader.

If you like you can add links to the texts making them clickable. So you can add the link of your channel with its anchor texts reminding people to subscribe to your channel.

This way you can easily increase the number of free YouTube subscribers you get from each one of your viral videos.

Although keep in mind that your annotations should not irritate a user while watching your video otherwise it will create a negative impression rather than a positive one.

4. Collaborate with other Vloggers

If you are working on a niche which is has it’s unique fanbase then collaborating with other bloggers can really help you in attracting free YouTube subscribers towards your channel.


For example, if you have a channel based on wrestling, then you should keep in touch with other channels who post wrestling related stuff. You can occasionally make videos in collaboration with them and you post it on your individual channels.

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This way you both will be benefited with free YouTube subscribers. You would also develop a relation with that blogger and you both can share your knowledge with each other which will both parties.

5. Add a widget

If you have a successful blog but your channel is failing in getting more YouTube subscribers, then why not use your own blog to get more free YouTube subscribers?

You can put a small widget on your blog at a place where it’s easily visible and drive your blog audience towards your YouTube channel.

Embedding your channel trailer at the sidebar or somewhere in the post can also help you in getting more free YouTube subscribers as it will provide a good overview of your channel to anyone who visits your blog.

5. Make a playlist

If you have an education based channel or post videos very much related to each other simultaneously, then making a playlist can help you in attracting more free YouTube subscribers.


For example, if you post tutorials on C Programming language. Then you can arrange all your tutorials in a playlist. Now watching all those videos in a single sitting will not be possible for anyone. So they will either have to subscribe to your channel or bookmark the page to watch it later. If you do not have any YouTube video idea then check top 10 video ideas to make money online.

Using the other techniques mentioned in this article, you can remind any such person to subscribe to your channel so they can watch those tutorials whenever they want to and you will notice a boost in your subscriber list.

Although you have to remember that the first few videos of your playlist should be of really high quality and engaging for the user, then only they will think of revisiting your channel.

Wrap up

This was our post on How to get more YouTube subscribers. Do let us know your experience with all the mentioned techniques in the comment box. If you have many videos and subscriber and not earning then please check How to enable adsense on already uploaded YouTube video and start earning money from them.