How to start a blog to make money online

Before I begin penning my advice, you need to know why I am sharing certain golden words of advice with you.

Two years back, I was myself hunting for legitimate ways to making money online. I could find only few options like  freelancing, online tutoring & micro task like typing, captcha filling and survey jobs. No one was talking about starting a blog or become a YouTube Channel Owner. The last two options are source of consistent money, provided your blog posts are consistent.

If you dont believe me, you can yourself Google out big names in the blogging industry and assure your brain. Also, if you want to understand this concept better then I recommend, you must read Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.

A blog is not only a regular source of income but also gives you royalty of your work even you are sleeping! No wonder, in contemporary times, blogging is the largest platform for communicating information and news.

If you are creative writer and can easily express your views…or a create video producer…then blogging is your ultimate destination to make money. All you need to do is find a niche for yourself and stick to providing evergreen information thorough text or videos.

So lets start with ” How to start a blog – A Practical Guide”

How to start a blog – A practical guide

1. Prepare A Postive Attitude

Before you start blogging make sure to have a positive mindset towards success and interest of doing work. Eminent motivator Shiv khera says “Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.

2. Find your niche

Your niche lies in your passion. Excavate it.The overall success of your blog depends on demand of topic as well as your interest on that very topic.

If you lose interest in your own blog, how will you attract that of others? So make sure choose topic which you like to know and share as well as others’ like to read/watch. If you need suggestions. here is the link to “best ways to get blog post ideas“. You must also read our post ” How to Create A Micro-Niche Blog

And then there is also advice like “Best  ideas to starting a blog” and ” The Ultimate guide to choose niche for blog

2. Select a Blogging Platform

The internet facilitates many blogging platforms like Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress,  drupal, Weebly, Wix, livejournal and many more.  I always recommend WordPress as best platform to start blogging and above chart shows value of WordPress. If you take top 100 blog of world then approx 48 blogs run on WordPress platform only.

Why I am recommending these? Well WordPress enjoys the trust of more than 72 million users for blogging due to the following reasons:

  • It is available free of cost! You can avail the features of WordPress such as layouts, themes and add-ons without any added costs.
  • The setup procedure is simple and easy to comprehend.
  • WordPress implements sound security measures to keep your blog away from the threat of hacking.
See also  Top Ten Most Useful Websites You Never Knew Exists

You can check famous blogging platform also and take suitable decision as per your requirement.

Choose perfect domain name

Helps you choose a perfect, unique domain name, and that too of your choice.

Domain name play crucial role  in success of your blog and it also help in SEO to get good rank. So think about start blogging try to choose suitable domain name for your blog.

You can also use tools like Domainsbot , namemesh, bustaname and domainr to get more suggestions to choose the best domain name.

But Please make sure to check below points before take decision for any domain name

  1. Keep it Short : Prefer one word domain name. So people can easily remember your domain name.
  2. Easy to type: Don’t use any complex word in domain and it should easy pronounceable
  3. Use Keywords: It’s one of the important for SEO point of view and help in getting good rank
  4. Avoid Number and hyphen: Number confuse with numeric or text and chance to forget dash so try to avoid them.
  5. Use a unique Domain Name:so people can recognize what your site all about.

Here are few tips on “How to choose Best domain name” and  “Best sites to get top expired domain names

4. Domain name registration

Here come handy the following essentials:

  • Cost of Registration: Cost always matter for registration and for renew domain so choose where from you will get name in lower cost.
  • Choose universal accepted domain extension: If your site target is open then try to choose .com or .org domain and avoid country target or some unaware domain extension
  • Choose domain name and register is soonest: Buy it as soon as you zero on it, since everyday new sites are getting registered. So don’t lose the opportunity.
  • Choose trustworthy domain hosting platform: Choose platform which people trust so they will not going to deceit you and stop your domain functionality.

Here are the “Top 10 platform to register your domain name“. You can check out and buy a new domain.

5. Host your website

Hosting play very important role in success of your website since uptime and fast loading of site and other such factors depend on your hosting platform. So please get much information about hosting site before host your blog and start blogging.

Here we are providing you more tips on:

  1. How to choose best hosting platform
  2. Top web hosting platform to host your blog
See also  How to Submit a Sitemap to Google

6. Install & configure WordPress

As we already discussed, WordPress is best platform to start blogging and it is very easy for you to learn also. So once you select any web hosting platform then install & configure WordPress.

I recommend to configure WordPress on local machine first then once it configures correctly, move it to the hosting server. Check our step by step guide to install WordPress locally.

You can read below articles and make your WordPress more efficient

  1. A step by step & practical guide of wordpress configuration
  2. Simplest steps to install wordpress theme for your blog
  3. Few important tips while choosing theme for your blog
  4. Top websites to get free theme for WordPress blogs
  5. Top websites to get premium theme for WordPress blogs

Note: Choose theme that fits perfectly with your niche like your site.

7. WordPress SEO – Way to get your blog ranking

Every day thousands of websites and blogs go live but first page of google can have only few links for the best keyword. So in order to get rank you need to follow on strategy which online world called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

SEO plays a great role in success of your website and it’s divided into On page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

  1. On-page SEO where we mainly focuses on keywords, content and quality
  2. Off-page SEO mainly focuses on increase authority of your website by submitting guest blog, comments, forum writing on other online platform.

Here you can more insight into the SEO world

Make sure you use best keyword research tools  to get high volume and low competitive keywords to get rank of your blog. For that we insist you check List of best available keyword research tools

8. Secure WordPress Blog – Practical tips

‘Prevention is better than cure.’  Apply few security tips so your blog remain safe from hackers. Otherwise every day thousands of website get hacked and some day your website could also one of them.

Basic WordPress security tips – Every WordPress user must follow

How to create password protected WordPress post or page

-Top sites to get free image plagiarism checker

When I am saying secure website means my main focus on secure your data on web so I always recommend to take backup of your website regularly.So read: “Steps to take for WordPress database backup manually

9. Add WordPress Plugins

See also  10 Easy Ways to Monetize your Blog and Earn Money Online

Make WordPress more efficient by adding Plugins since they play a great role in making WordPress website more SEO friendly You can add any complex functionality by just adding plugin related to requirement. And for one work you will get many plugins. So simply choose the best one for your log.

And you must also read the following in detail:


The most essential steps are already done and dusted below. But then there are w few other links we will recommend you to read. Topics on subjects like  Logo, Images, Videos on your blog.

11. Promote your blog or Get traffic on your blog

Every business, irrespective of a niche needs good marketing to become a brand. This is also called digital marketing. Let’s look few ways to get visible big time in ONLINE WORLD:

There are many social media profile and other platform like Question answer portal, Niche forum where you can promote your blog. I specially recommend to read our blog series on zero cost tactics traffic for blogger.

12. Make Money Online Via Blog

You can apply Google adsense or other adsense, Affiliated marketing, referral marketing or many other techniques to start earning from blog. And after you have connected your blog to an affiliate then your must read the following tips

Most of people choose Affiliated marketing instead of Google adsense and it’s obvious one can make more money using affiliated marketing..So it’s better to read about Affiliated marketing and then get ready to go .

And still if you have any more queries, then do leave in the comments column. I will answer them personally.