link building strategies for SEO – 13 Effective ways of getting backlinks

Link building is presumably the most important aspect of blogging. Even though you do all the other things write, without building the right kind of links, you cannot hope to rank your blog or make money online.

However, the wrong kind of links can also result in your blog getting penalized and whatever work you have done for your site can go into the vein.

For getting success with your blog, you not only need to add the right kind of links to your backlinking strategy but maintain the correct backlink ratio and also maintain the right anchor text density as well.

Although the problem is, most of the so-called guides about link building out there are not complete. When they explain about building links, they cover a part of it and when they talk about ways of link building, they don’t really care enough to tell you which links are used for which purpose.

That’s why today we have brought you this guide, in which we will be explaining all the aspects of link building in detail and also cover the various link building techniques with their use. Although before let’s see some fundamental things about link building.

What is backlink?

For beginners, the concept of link building can be pretty confusing, cause every blogger explains it in his own way. So the first thing which needs an explanation is what link building exactly is. But before learning backlink building, you need to know what a backlink is.

Basically, when a site links a web page of your site from their post, it’s called a backlink for your site.  Whenever visiting a Web page, you must have seen that people link other articles from a web page.

Generally, these links are of other similar articles on their own site which is linked so the people reading one article can easily open the other related articles.

When these links are of the same site which you are visiting, it’s called inbound links or interlinks, and when it’s of different websites, it’s called a backlink for that site.

For example, if a site has a web page and a different website links the web page from a web page of its site, then it’s considered a backlink for the website

What is link building?

After learning about backlinks, what’s important to know is that Google and all other search engine’s search algorithm is based on backlinks. The more backlinks you have the more reputed your website is considered,

And whenever someone searches for anything in Google, it first filters out all web pages on its system which have content related to it and then ranks them according to their reputation in the descending order.

It means that the site which has more reputation ranks on the 1st place, then the site which has less reputation ranks second and so on.

Now you may already know that ranking in the first position for any keyword on Google means audience for your site and further, it means earning opportunities for you.

While Google wants you to earn this reputation or simply these backlinks naturally, in today’s world you cannot just sit and wait for a site to link to your website due to the tremendous amount of competition.

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So what we do is that we build backlinks for our site by ourselves using many backlinking techniques, to rank on Google.

Although it doesn’t mean you can build any kind of backlinks. With the time Google has also gotten smart enough and it can differentiate between natural and manual backlinks. So while no SEO expert will tell you to stop building links, you need to be smarter while doing so and make these links look natural. 

How to build the right links for your blog?

There are mainly 3 aspects of link building which you need to keep in mind which we have explained below:

1. Choose the right links – Not every kind of links are good for every kind of blogs. You need to choose which links to build depending on what kind of blog you are looking to build. For your ease, we have given an overview about which links are good for what blogs later in this article.

2. Build Only high-quality links – Choosing the right kind of links is important but what’s more important is that those links should be of high quality. Don’t get confused between creating high-quality links and creating the right links.

For example, guest posting links are the right kind of links for long term blogs, but that doesn’t mean you should publish your guest post on every blog. Instead, you need to choose the blogs which are suitable for your site. You can learn everything about how to determine whether a link is of high quality or not from here.

3. Anchor texts – This is something which confuses many people. While the kind of links is also important, without the right anchor text variety, they start looking unnatural and harm your blog. You can learn everything about anchor texts and the right anchor text diversity here.

How to build backlinks for your blog – Best ways to build backlinks

Assuming you have learned everything about the right kind of link building, it’s time we give you what you have come for i.e. tell you the ways of link building. Here we have mentioned 13 most popular link building techniques and also mentioned which kind of links are good for which blog and their usage:

1. Guest posting

Best for: Long term blogs, high competition niche blogs

Used for: Increasing the authority of your website

Guest posting is presumably one of the best free link building techniques which guarantee you to build some really high-quality links for your site if done right.

Click here to learn everything about guest posting.

2. Blog commenting

Best for: Event blogs, long-term blogs

Used for: Ranking a site in less time, giving variation to link profile.

Blog commenting is one of the oldest and easiest ways to build backlinks for your blog. Depending on what kind of blog you either need to build a large amount of comment backlinks to rank your site in real time or use them in less quantity to make your backlink profile look natural.

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You can learn the right technique to build comment backlinks here.

3. Directory links

Best for: Event blogging, micro niche blogs

Used for: Ranking a blog in real time

Directory links are probably the most infamous kind of links which many people believe are harmful to your blog.

Though that’s not the case and while they are not suitable for long-term blogs they are still very useful for short term and micro niche blogs. Click here to learn everything about directory links.

4. Infographic Submission

Best for: Event blogs, micro niche blogs

Used for: building large amount of links in less time

Infographics have started become popular in recent times. So Infographics links are one of the new link building techniques used by bloggers to rank event blogs and they can also be used for micro niche blogs. Learn everything about Infographic submission links by clicking here.

5. Forum Links

Best for: Event blogs, micro niche, niche blogs

Used for: Increasing the authority of a site, making a large amount of links in less time.

Forum links are one of the most influential kinds of links for micro niches and if done right they play a huge part in ranking them. Since they are easy to build, they are also used by bloggers to rank event blogs. You can learn about forum links here.

6. Profile Links

Best for: Micro Niche, long-term blogs

Used for: Giving variation to link profile, creating awareness for your blog

Profile links are one of the few links which can fulfill more than one purpose. Not only do they help you in giving a variation to your link profile but they can also make your brand known among frequent internet users in less time. You can learn to use profile links in the right way here.

7. Web 2.0

Best for: Micro niche blogs, Long-term blogs

Used for: Increasing authority of your blog

Web 2.0s is a kind link building technique which requires lots of efforts but which pays off at the end. They are also one of the best free ways of link building.

However, if done wrong, they can be easily recognized as manual links by search engines and get you penalised. You can learn how to build a quality Web 2.0 which looks natural here.

8. Press Release

Best for: Long term blogs

Used for: Increasing your blog’s authority, ranking a specific page

Press Releases are one of the lesser used ways for link building just because many people don’t know how to do it correctly. You get a huge edge over your competitors if you master the art of it. Click here to learn about this one of the most unique ways of links building by press release.

9. Wikipedia links

Best for: Long term blogs

Used for: Gaining huge authority for your blog.

Wikipedia is one of the most reputed sites in the whole internet and even a single backlink from Wikipedia can do wonders for your site.

Although not many know the Wikipedia link building technique so the majority never usage it. Click here to learn how you can manage to get a Wikipedia link.

10. Giveaway

Best for: Long term blogs

Used for: Getting lots high-quality links in less time

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Giveaways are often used by people to gain attention for a cause or product. People also use it to promote their new products in relatively less time.

Although what many don’t know is that if you have a budget and even if you don’t, you can use giveaways to build some really high-quality links for your blog in very less time.

Here you can learn to arrange a successful giveaway as a way of link building both paid and free.

11. Asking for links

Best for: Long term blogs, micro niche blogs

Used for: Increasing the authority of a site

Nowadays, the competition in the blogging world is growing like never before and you may think that nobody will give you a link for free by just asking.

Although the truth is, with some creative methods such as broken link building, you can get some really high-quality links for your blog, that too for absolutely free.

You can learn how to get links by just asking for them here.

12. Social bookmarking

Best for: Event blogs, micro niches

Used for: Giving a variation to your link profile,

Social bookmarking is one of the oldest ways of link building in the blogging world. And while it can no help to rank a blog on its own, Social bookmarking can certainly be used for making some very natural looking links. Click here to learn how you can use social bookmarking for link building.

13. Social signals

Best for: All kind of blogs

Used for: Getting you content indexes, making your link profile natural

In the past decade, social media sites have become a part of daily life for the majority of internet users and so search engines also started giving importance to the links coming from them.

Although not many people have made it a part of their regular SEO Strategy which is a big mistake in my opinion. Click here to learn everything about social signals

Wrap up

This is the end of our guide on backlinks. We have tried to elaborate all the mentioned techniques in the best possible way and have made them up to the mark for the latest standards of link building.

Though one still needs to remember two things, first Google is not perfect and all these link building techniques use this vulnerability in the algorithm of Google to rank a blog. Basically, SEO is just a name for the techniques we use to fool Google.

However, the engineers and technicians of the company are constantly updating their programmes and they get a little better every day. So your goal should be getting links the way Google wants it – Naturally.

While smalls and short term blogs can help you move to the next level in the SEO game, the wise money is on building a brand which people would naturally want to link to, and this is probably the only SEO technique which works now and will work 10, 20 or even 50 years later as well.

Still, as Google is growing, we are also updating this guide on regular basis. So you might want to bookmark it and come back later to observe the latest changes in the varies techniques of link building.

Do let us know if you enjoyed reading this guide and also tell us what you want to read next in the comments section. Also feel free to ask any questions you might have and we’ll sure to answer all of them.