Sell your music on iTunes – Launch Your Music Career easily

When you vexed with the regular deliverables, you might often tend to relax yourself by tuning over to some music. With the introduction of varied kinds of gadgets and appliances, the music lovers now have a fair choice in choosing their preferred genre with a great ease.

Moreover with the attention towards the mobile phone in every aspect of entertainment, one can easily a piece and use for the music drive even. Nowadays mobile phone are inbuilt with the music player and tuner but the question arises which operating system you are option use.

Music on different platforms:

As mobile phones in the recent days are manufactured with the smartness empowered in them. The major platforms on which mobile phones are available could be listed as:

  • Android
  • Windows
  • Symbian
  • iOS
  • Java

There are many apps that support music in all the platforms but the best ones are only a few. Any user can sell their music on these platforms to provide a better choice of the music lovers but the best among them could be labelled as the iOS. There some prerequisites when you try to share your music on to the iOS device.

iTunes as a platform to sell your music

The statement itself refers to the subject of music on an iOS device that could be an iPhone, iPad or even iPod. iTunes generally takes your choices as a flavor of music and creates an environment where you can expose your music on to location where you find people buying it.

Selling on any other platform could be possible but a safer way and wide targeted audience could be possible only on the iOS. Initially, you need to make people aware and make interested in your music.

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Selling music on iTunes is merely an easy task as the targeted audience are readily available rather than you precisely getting into the individual interest of them.

The primary source to sell your music on iTunes can be segregated via two means. The first mean could be to go through the application process and create an app by yourself sharing the music you wish for and the other could be working with a music distribution company that Apple has already approved as a trusted iTunes content provider. You can also check frequently asked question on Apple iTune.

Aggregator and an encoding house and its difference.

Moving deep into the technical stuff related to sharing music on a particular device, it is more to know the basics on how and what is required to publish your musical stuff onto the Apple device. Basically there are two terms: Aggregator and an encoding house.

Aggregator: Aggregators are the group of people who help you to increase traffic for your music. Aggregators are the persons who have expertise in delivering content to iTunes. They are also well versed in distributing Universal Product Codes (UPC) and international Standard Recording Codes (IRSC) which can distribute your content across multiple channels of the application. Aggregators distribute your content and pays you for stuff you have shared with them.

Encoding House: An encoding house is typically a format of music, videos or concert films. An encoding house helps you to deliver your content directly into an account on your behalf. The payments for the delivered contents by an encoding house are made directly to the content owner from Apple.

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Who is eligible to sell music on iTunes?

There are some set of requirements levied by the Apple and once you meet all the requirements, you can sign up to start delivering your musical content on to the iTunes platform. If you fail to meet the requirements set by Apple or if you have any other operational or financial needs, you can go ahead with an aggregator to share your content.

Universal Product Code (UPC) and International Standard Recording Code (ISRC)

To deliver the musical and audio content on iTunes you might require the codes like UPC and ISRC. Yes, both are required to deliver the audio files to iTunes. These codes are specifically designed so that you musical content is unique in the iTunes portal and helps you to market your musical content over the audience. The UPC makes a unique identity for an album so that every other musical content is identified with an ease.

ISRC enables you to distribute your content over the international group of audience which uniquely identifies individual tracks of the music album.

Who should be applying to offer content on iTunes on a company’s behalf ?

Anyone who is willing to share music can deliver the musical content but the prerequisites include a set of documents that should be signed on your name. There is also a contract document with iTunes which should be accepted at time of subscription.

What is iTune Connect?

iTunes connect is basically a website of the Apple corporation which provides a common path for the content providers to manage their data on the Apple iTunes store. Here the management include preparation, submission, transfer of data. It also contains the financial reports, hardware discounts, trend reports, sales, and much more.

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What are the types of files that can be shared on iTunes?

One can shared the musical files on iTunes as Audio files, Video files, ringtones, concert films and also as iTunes LP.

How to deliver content on iTunes once contract is approved?

Once the contract has been approved for the iTunes, you have an access to the iTunes application as an iTunes producer. You will also have access to Apple’s tool to prepare and share your musical content on to the iTunes.

Various other queries related to share music on iTunes.

Most of the queries related to iTunes are related to the iTunes can be found on the FAQ page of the iTunes website and also the queries other than those can be raised in the portal for iTunes Support and for a voice support the numbers for each country are provided on the portal itself.

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