Few myths about SEO that you never knew!

Since the birth of Pentium computers till now, marketers are focused keyword optimization and link building. They are yet to know the fact that SEO has completely changed (in the recent years).

Artificial intelligence is the next big thing as researchers at Google are finding ways to integrate it in ranking pages in the search engine.

However, no matter what we achieve in SEO, some myths are hard to eliminate. Some myths exist from the past while some are born out of misinformation and confusions spread through various uncontrollable means.

Here is the list of most common myths related to SEO:

1)    SEO is history:

Whenever arguing about SEO, some individuals consider it to be in the past. This statement stands corrected with the fact that organic search generates well over 51% of the traffic to sites in the whole world. Hence, SEO ain’t going anywhere.

2)  Adding links is better than adding content:

Many marketing agencies consider link building their top priority. However, Google’s algorithm has seen some changes after which, the aim has shifted from quantity to the quality of the links. The past however has shown such trends where the readers or the target audiences were bombarded with links of running businesses and online stores.

But the present is totally different from its past as now, the focus is more on providing better quality to the end user. Another major reason why Google has followed this step is that it helps Google differentiate between those who deserve to be ranked on top from those who are of no good. Hence, this ultimately improves the user experience.

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3)  Focus on mobile versions of a website isn’t important:

To counter this statement, know that mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage for the first time in 2014. In addition, Google penalizes sites which aren’t user-friendly. Mobile usage is increasing day by day and by the time of 2035, half of the worlds is estimated to have a cellphone or a smartphone.

Hence, with such vast reach, mobile devices silence all the critics who consider smartphones are becoming obsolete (which they are not).

4) Focus on image optimization isn’t required:

Ignoring alt-texts tags restricts you from increasing the visibility of your site as search engines are blind to images. These alt-text tags are also used by other accessibility devices and screen readers (increasing the usability of your website).

5)    Local SEO is useless:

Small businesses are unable to reach the targeted level of success due to this myth. About 40% of the Google search queries are local where local customers are looking for products and service that your business might offer (if you’re visible to them).

You can also check our detail guide on local SEO strategy. 

6)    More pages better chances:

Back in the days, it was all based on quantity but now, it’s all about quality. For example, you may have a hundred pages of content but if its quality is poor, the numbers are good for nothing. Hence as mentioned above, the modern world does not focus on being outnumbered but rather being useful.

7)    SEO can be manipulative:

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From any direction, SEO isn’t manipulative in the present. However, manipulation did exist in the past but not anymore as Google has cracked down on this and made it further difficult. Remember SEO is a tool and any tool can be abused by those who have negative intentions.

8)  Google does not consider SEO important:

A common myth far from reality as Google promotes those who promote search engine optimization. But not through manipulative SEO tactics based to improve the ranking of the content.

9)   Submitting the site to Google is a must:

Probably the oldest myth of all. You’re not bound to notify Google about your site (in order to be ranked). The search engine will crawl over your website a few hours later of it being published.

10)  Keyword optimization is the most important step:

True in the past, not anymore. AI (artificial intelligence) helps Google in eliminating this step and does not require you to insert the same keywords on your site. The objective now is to focus on quality content creation only.

11) Rankings are the top priority:

Rankings are important but the only source of success as sales and conversions are rather more important. Some keywords might not be ranked on the first page, but would still create revenue.

12)  Quantity of Link is more important:

Don’t focus on quantity, go for quality. One relevant backlink from a reputable website surpasses a thousand backlinks from average websites.

No doubt SEO is the complicated process and the existence of misconceptions myths is hard to eliminate.  If you’re new in the industry, try to seek some advice from an expert in the field instead of entering the market with no knowledge.

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Hence, we won’t be wrong to say technology brings change and this change results in the extinction of one or more methods that were being used in the present. But the main objective is to benefit the user one way or the other. In addition, you may implement update yourself with all new softwares in market that would prevent all the prying eyes from becoming a hindrance between you and the success you desire.